Let's keep Hawai'i Trash free
Almost everything that goes into our storm drain system goes directly into the ocean untreated, negatively affecting the water quality and marine life.
Join the Hawai’i Department of Transportation (HDOT), O’ahu District’s Storm Water Management Program in working towards a #TrashFreeHawaii by doing your part to prevent storm water pollution.
We all have a responsibility to protect our water
Even the smallest actions can lead to big change.
Ways to make a difference
Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!
Help keep debris off the highways and roadways, and out of our landfills.
repair vs. discard
Reduce your negative footprint by repairing rather than disgarding them.
Keep it clean
Keeping trash off the streets means it won’t end up in storm drains or the ocean.
Use refillable water bottles
Reduce plastic pollution by using your refillable water bottle.
Approximately 4 Billion Pounds Of Trash Per Year Enters The Ocean.
As of January 2024.

Trash Reduction Plan
HDOT, O’ahu District developed and submitted a Trash Reduction Plan in October 2016, which aims to reduce trash discharged from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), or storm water network, and the associated impacts on receiving State waterbodies.
help make a difference
Keeping trash off our highways is one of the most critical ways to ensure our storm drains are free of pollutants and debris.
The Adopt-A-Highway program is a public service program that allows participants from any organization to pick up litter along Hawai’i’s state highways.

Teaching Our Keiki Sustainability
Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time!

DIY Microplastic Sifter
Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time!
Bittersweet Symphony
Is it a jellyfish? A bridal veil? A beautiful art piece?
Sadly, it’s a plastic bag, like so many that plague our ocean and shorelines. The PSA’s unexpected finish jolts viewers to take note and recognize the need to keep our island clean.
Time Matters
Everyday, all of us take a journey – to the office, to the gym, or to meet a friend. If you had a coffee or energy bar along the way, it may be tempting to toss the wrapper or empty cup before you get to your destination. But holding on to it for just a few moments until you can dispose of it properly can make a world of difference – especially for our environment.