Trash Reduction Resources

Tips to be trash free and reduce waste.

Trash Reduction at Home

Trash reduction can start at home. Properly dispose of recyclable items, compost waste, and household trash through your weekly curbside pickups.

For more information about rubbish disposal on O’ahu, visit the links below.

Recycling Centers

There are a number of recycling centers across O’ahu where you can drop off your empty cans and bottles.

To locate redemption centers near you, visit the links below:

Bulky Item Pickups

Bulky item pickups can be scheduled online for all areas of the island. Items such as furniture, mattresses, bed frames and box springs, rolled up and fastened carpeting, appliances, and minor home repairs/remodeling materials can be disposed of through bulk pickup.

To schedule an O’ahu bulky item pickup, visit the link below:

Hazardous Waste Disposal

Some of the products you use at home are potentially hazardous, such as liquid fertilizer, paint thinner, gasoline, and other dangerous chemicals. Safe handling and proper disposal of these materials will protect you, your family, and our environment.

To learn about hazardous waste safety and disposal on O’ahu, visit the links below:

More Resources

For Businesses

Tips to reduce waste to save time, money and the environment.

For Consumers

Tips to be trash free and reduce waste.