Consumer Trash Reduction Tips

Tips to be trash free and reduce waste.


Don't Litter

Put trash in its place – the trash can or recycling bin. Keeping trash off the streets means it won’t end up in our storm drains or the ocean.


Placing recyclable items in the proper bin will help keep debris off the highways and roadways, and out of our landfills.

Use Reusable Grocery Bags

Using reusable bags on your next trip to the grocery store helps reduce the frequency of single-use plastic or paper bags being discarded in waterways and public areas.

Use Refillable Water Bottles

Using reusable water bottles reduces the trash created from discarded bottles and lessens the production cost to create the bottles themselves.

Recycle Old Clothes

By recycling used or unwanted clothing, you are reducing the amount of natural resources needed to create new garments. The majority of clothing that can be recycled or re-worn ends up in the trash.


Volunteer for the Department of Transportation Adopt-a-Highway program to pick up litter along our highways. It’s a way for environmentally conscious companies help keep trash off the roadways and litter out of our storm drains.

Make A Meal Plan

Food waste is a really big problem mostly due to inefficient grocery shopping. By making a meal plan and only buying groceries that you know you will eat, you’ll take a big step in helping to decrease the amount of food waste you produce.

Rely On Reusable Containers

Store food properly in airtight, reusable containers. Not only does it eliminate those single use plastics, but also keeps those food items fresher longer, eliminating some waste.

Repair vs. Discard

When an item around the house is broken, look to see if it can be repaired before throwing it away and ordering a new one. By buying a few quality items and fixing them when necessary, you can reduce your negative footprint.

Opt for Composting

Set up a countertop compost bin for items like fruit and vegetable parts, coffee grounds, unbleached paper, tea bags and much more! You will both lessen the amount of waste you produce and avoid using harmful chemical fertilizers for your gardening.

Buy in Bulk

Instead of buying single servings, choose the largest quantity and divide it into smaller servings. Not only does this limit the amount of single serve packaging that gets discarded, but also saves you money in the long run.

E-books Are E-fficient

Buy e-books when possible. Not only are they more eco-friendly but also save you space around the house. If you prefer reading hard copies, visit your public library!

Cover Your Load

Ensure that cargo is securely fastened with straps or rope when loaded onto a vehicle. Consider covering your load with a sturdy tarp to prevent any debris from escaping while the vehicle is in motion.