How to Participate in Plastic-Free July

Plastic-Free July is a worldwide initiative that encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to reduce their consumption of single-use plastic for the entire month of July, with the ultimate goal of creating lasting habits for a plastic-free lifestyle. The campaign originated in Australia in 2011 and has since gained momentum, inspiring millions of people around the globe to make conscious choices and reduce their plastic footprint.

Plastic pollution has become a global crisis, and Hawaii is no exception. Our beautiful beaches, marine life, and fragile ecosystems suffer the consequences of plastic waste, posing risks to wildlife and human health. Plastic-Free July serves as a powerful reminder that each one of us has the ability and responsibility to make a positive impact. By participating in this movement, we can raise awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution, encourage sustainable alternatives, and advocate for long-term solutions.

Participating in Plastic-Free July doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are a few ways you and your family can participate in Plastic-Free July:

  • Start by identifying single-use plastic items that can be replaced with eco-friendly alternatives, such as reusable water bottles, cloth shopping bags, and stainless steel or bamboo straws.
  • Explore local farmers markets and stores that offer package-free options, and support businesses that prioritize sustainability.
  • Invest in a reusable water bottle and refill it throughout the day.
  • When ordering take-out or delivery, kindly request no plastic cutlery or condiment packets if you’re eating at home.
  • Look for plastic-free alternatives to commonly used personal care products, such as bamboo toothbrushes, refillable shampoo and conditioner bars, cotton pads, and plastic-free deodorant and toothpaste.
  • If you’re a coffee or tea lover, carry a reusable mug or cup with you when you visit your favorite coffee shop.
  • Engage in beach clean-ups and community events this summer to raise awareness about plastic pollution and inspire others to take action.

Plastic-Free July presents a unique opportunity for us to collectively work towards a trash free Hawaii. By embracing this global movement and making small changes in our everyday lives, we can reduce our plastic footprint, protect our ecosystems and preserve the natural beauty that defines our beloved islands.

In celebration of Plastic-Free July, we will be at Waikiki Aquarium on July 13 and 27 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., educating the public on the importance of keeping Hawaii trash free. We encourage you to stop by and say hello!

Source: Plastic Free July